Become A Sponsor 


Since 2002 the Concussion in Sport Group (CISG) has worked to analyze, aggregate, and interpret the world’s scientific literature for the evaluation, management, and prevention of sports-related concussion. Central to this process has been the ongoing development and refinement of the Sports Concussion Assessment Tools (SCAT®), which are the most widely used concussion assessment tools in the world. To date, CISG and its members have also worked to produce the quadrennial Consensus Statements that have become the cornerstone of concussion management. First domiciled in Switzerland, CISG is now incorporated as a non-profit corporation in the USA. Although now housed in the USA, CISG continues to maintain its global focus and remains the only international multidisciplinary organization solely devoted to athlete brain injury.

CISG Mission Statement

To enhance the science and practice of health management as it relates to sport-related concussion, to develop evidence-informed recommendations for the prevention, evaluation and management of SRC, to create and disseminate best practice clinical assessment and management tools for SRC, and to freely provide and manage clinical tools, statements and educational programs worldwide that can be adapted to cultural and geographic contexts, appropriate for all ages, sexes and levels of play.

Need For Sponsors

CISG is a voluntary Not for Profit organization with no employees. Directors, committee chairs and other individuals who make the organization run are all volunteers who do so because they believe in the mission of CISG. Consequently, CISG relies primarily on membership dues for financial support. Membership dues cannot fully sustain our operations nor support ongoing projects or launch new projects. Like most professional organizations, we seek to augment our financial position by creating sponsorship categories that allow like-minded organizations or vendors to support the goals and mission of the organization. We invite individuals and organizations to join us by becoming sponsors and help us fulfill our mission. 

Unrestricted Grants Program

CISG has created ongoing, short and long-term sponsor opportunities in the form of UNRESTRICTED GRANTS from sponsors who support the mission of the CISG and would like to help our organization maintain its independent role in furthering the science and clinical practice of SRC. Sponsorship opportunities will be available at four funding levels with each level offering varying degrees of visibility on CISG materials and access to members.

Sponsor Levels

  • Champion – 5 Year Contract
  • Partner – 2 Year Contract
  • Supporter – Annual Contract
  • Contributor – Annual Contract

Additional sponsorship opportunities will be made available as our program(s) develop. If you have ideas or suggestions please contact us, we would very much like to hear from you.

For additional information please email